1. You’ve taken a jeepney ride.
The jeepney, or jeep, as we call it, is the cheapest and most common mode of public transport in the Philippines. A jeep is similar to a pickup truck. The driver and two other passengers are seated in front. The back has no rear door, but it has a roof and two bench seats facing each other on the left and right sides. You say “bayad” as you pass along your fare to the passenger next to you, who then passes it along until it reaches the driver.
You may be the last person in, squeezing yourself between two other passengers. You may be slipping and sliding and holding on for dear life to the handrail above you as the driver races through traffic. You may be dodging awkward stares from the person across from you. Your shoulder may be used as a pillow by the snoring passenger next to you. Whichever passenger you may be, a jeepney ride is always an adventure in itself.