The 10 Most Inspiring Travel Photos This Week

Photo + Video + Film
by Katie Scott Aiton Jul 8, 2016

EACH WEEK WE CHOOSE OUR favorite images from readers, fans, and travelers, who tag their photos with #travelstoke and post them on our Instagram account. These pictures provide a daily dose of incentive, and challenge us to photograph the world in innovative ways. Here are this week’s editors’ picks of people finding some serious #travelstoke.

1. Hannah & Adam, Summer Island, Maldives.

2. Kel Morales, Birubi Beach, Australia.

3. Tyler Smith, Ajax Peak Colorado.

“Mom, please.”

Una foto publicada por Tyler Smith (@_tyler_smith_) el

4. Anton Malishev, Cabo San Juan, Parque Tayrona, Colombia.

5. Mutua Matheka, Shompole, Kenya.

When my business was new and not yet tax registered, I was so fearful when a client mentioned any form of paper work. When they asked about VAT, I ran to the hills. Naturally, there are many jobs I couldn’t do because I wasn’t tax compliant. Many creatives I know are living like this. Being paid close to nothing in ‘under the table’ deals because their paper work isn’t legit. I have since sorted my paperwork and pay my taxes on time (meaning not last minute like now). So if you were waiting for the last minute, it’s here. Get your returns in before the deadline tomorrow 30th. I did it and you can too. It’s easy. I have partnered with KRA to share some of my own business practices as a photograper especially pertaining tax returns for me and my business. Remember June 30th is the deadline for submitting your returns. If you have any questions, go engage @KRAcare on twitter. #Ad #iTaxToday

Una foto publicada por Mutua Matheka (@truthslinger) el

6. Alexandra Taylor, Mcway Falls, Big Sur, California.

7. Cavalera Porto Alegre, Bixby Bridge, Caliofornia.

01/06/2016, 19:56, Bixby Bridge, Califórnia | Aquele momento em que a gente descobre que estava enganado quando fala que não tem medo de altura. 🌊 #CavaleraOnTheRoad #GRAMexpeditions

Una foto publicada por Cavalera Porto Alegre (@cavalerapoa) el

8. Sam, Hale’iwa Beach, North Shore Hawaii.

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. #GoPro #adventuretime #welltravelled

Una foto publicada por SamBeginning (@sambeginning) el

9. Christina Wieand, Angel’s Landing, Zion National Park, Utah.

I can see why Angels would land here 🙌🏼

Una foto publicada por Christina Wieand (@livpuravida) el

10. Joel Coleman, Fiji.

If you want to taste the salt, you have to get into the sea. . 👻 snapchat joel-coleman . #surf #duckdive #fiji #travel #adventure #underwater #gsn

Una foto publicada por Joel Coleman (@joelcoleman_) el

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