The 13 Most Inspiring Travel Photos This Week

by Katie Gavin Sep 17, 2015

EACH WEEK WE CHOOSE OUR favorite images from readers, fans, and travelers, who tag their photos with #travelstoke and post them on our Instagram account. These pictures provide a daily dose of inspiration, and challenge us to photograph the world in innovative ways.

Here’s this weeks editors’ picks of people finding some serious #travelstoke:

1. A sleepless night on the Central Coast, California.

Sleepless nights on the central coast. Shot this just after that insane meteor shower a while back!

A photo posted by Ryan Daniel Hill (@_ryanhill_) on

2. Sun lighting up the sky over McAfee Knob, Catawba mountain, Roanoke County, Virginia.

3. Loving life at Crater Lake National Park, southern Oregon!

4. Waking up in Monument Valley, Utah.

How you like our view?

A photo posted by Suvi Höydén (@dtlsuvi) on

5. Sandbar of Sumilon Island in Oslob, Cebu.

6. Scaling a wall in Iceland.

The game is find @brookewillson in iceland, where's she at? #iceland #mystopover

A photo posted by CHASE TERON (@chaseteron) on

7. Oahu, Hawaii.

8. Torres del Paine, Chile.

Stairway to heaven.

A photo posted by Al Mackinnon (@almackinnon) on

9. Unnamed lake 15 minutes off the Ptarmigan Ridge trail, Washington.

10. The Munros in Glencoe, Scotland.

11. Salkantay Pass, Peru.

12. Garibaldi Lake, British Columbia, Canada.

13. Diving into the clouds, Bavarian Alps.

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