20 Women Instagrammers That Will Stoke Your Wanderlust

Photo + Video + Film
by Janet Newenham Aug 16, 2016

TO CELEBRATE HITTING THE 20,000 mark on Instagram, and to give back to my followers, I ran a 20 days series called #solowomeninspire where I featured one new inspiring lady every day for 20 days. Now that the series has, very sadly, come to an end I have decided to share the 20 inspiring female travelers with you all. These ladies have been inspiring my wanderlust for the past year and will be sure to inspire you too. Be sure to click through to these inspiring female Instagrammers and give them a follow!

1. Donna from Haute Culture Fashion

First up is the very talented @hauteculturefashion Donna — I love what she has been doing on her blog and her Insta is so full of colour. She has such a unique way of telling people’s stories and they always make me want to learn more about the people she meets on her travels. FOLLOW THIS GIRL! 


2. Andrea VD Meer

Next up on my list of solo travelers who inspire me the most is the incredible @andrea.vd.meer This fabulous Dutchie works in fashion, loves adventures AND has even ran the NYC marathon. As a failed marathon runner myself (I only managed to run a half marathon in Korea and thought I was going to pass out!!) I am seriously impressed with her motivation. Also, her Instagram is PURE DREAMY! Follow this girl: @andrea.vd.meer.

3. Alyssa from My Life’s a Movie

If you don’t know Alyssa from @mylifesatravelmovie… you must be living under a rock. This fearless female solo traveler is kicking ass in the travel blogging world, brewing up a storm on Snapchat, and never ceases to inspire with her unique, jaw-dropping selfies on Instagram. She gives out some of the solo travel tips you will find online, from what to pack, how to stay connected all over the world and of course how to find ridiculously cheap flights!! Her photos are immediately recognizable and she wanders off the beaten track (physically and metaphorically) to ensure she always gets the best photos.

4. Aubrie from Globetrotting Ginger Travel

Meet the absolutely BEAUTIFUL @globetrotting_gingertravel, next up on my list of solo travelers who inspire me to the moon and back! I have been following Aubrie for ages now and her Instagram honestly looks like some sort of fairytale storybook. She could actually do a photography exhibit just showing off her Instagram! I love how proud she is of that awesome red hair (she must be a little Irish — yet another reason to follow her!) and how she is so fearless in all that she does. Always smiling, always adventuring this girl is ONE TO WATCH: @globetrotting_gingertravel.

5. Iris from Mind of a Hitchhiker

A solo female traveler that hitchhikes all over the world and has made it to over 60 countries doing it HER WAY. Next up on my list of inspiring ladies is the incredibly inspiring @irisveldwijk otherwise known as Mind of A Hitchhiker! This lady has traveled solo through IRAN, has hitched a lift on a cruise ship across the Atlantic and is currently making her way down through South America! Her stories will seriously fill you with wanderlust and she would be one of my ideal dinner guests!

6. Lisa from Lisa London

Ever wondered if it’s possible to travel the world as a FULL TIME STUDENT? @lisaldncom will show you the way! This lovely lady, who hails from beautiful Norway, has been traveling since she was just 17 and sharing all her brilliant adventures on her excellent travel blog. She has lived in Wales, London and even as a rep in Disney Land Florida! Her account is very inspiring and will definitely fill you with wanderlust! Follow follow follow: @lisaldncom.

7. Anna from Anna Everywhere

Meet the absolutely AWESOME @anna.everywhere, the intrepid traveler who really has been EVERYWHERE. With over 70 countries under her belt and a travel blog that continues to inspire thousands of younger travelers or wanderlusters, Anna is definitely an inspiration! Her blog posts are beautifully honest and she always shares both her struggles and her triumphs, making her one of the most relatable travel bloggers out there. Her photos are to die for and she only uploads the best, so this is one dreamy Insta account. Plus, how can you not love that she travels with a giant swan?!

8. Annika from Midnight Blue Elephant

Sitting on top of the world (or at least a very big rock in Sri Lanka!!) is the awesome @midnightblueelephant who I had the pleasure to meet on a blogger trip organized by @cinnamonhotels. It’s always awesome getting to meet fellow female bloggers who inspire you, especially if you have been following their adventures online for a long time. This girl loves Cape Town almost as much as I do and her honest and thought-provoking blog posts are always so well written you can’t help but nod your head when reading them. This lady is DEFINITELY one to follow @midnightblueelephant

9. Brittany from The Sweet Wanderlust

Meet @thesweetwanderlust the sweetest (in every way!) most awesome, hilarious, bubbly Texan you will ever have the pleasure to meet. I met this girl on a travel blogger trip to India and absolutely love following her adventures. She just spent over a year living in New Zealand which means her Instagram is FILLED with stunning photographs like this one. The minute I started this series I knew I would have to feature this awesome lady — be sure to follow @thesweetwanderlust.

10. Nadia from The Daily Self

Don’t wait for other people to take you to paradise. Work your ass off and take yourself there. That seems to be the motto of @nadia_dailyself over the past year. I’ve never seen one person travel to SO many exotic locations in such a short period of time. From Aruba to Jamaica, South Africa to Ibiza…this girl has luxury travel down to a t! I absolutely love her feed and as a fellow Irish travel blogger, I love how we always support each other! Follow this girl @nadia_dailyself.

11. Mo from Mo Travels

Not only did this incredible lady visit the Great Wall of China last year, she actually RAN A MARATHON along the wall. Mother, traveler, and extreme runner, I absolutely love @motravels feed and find her very inspiring! Currently traveling down through South America — Watching her adventures gives me serious wanderlust! FOLLOW THIS GIRL: @motravels.

12. Melissa from Melissa Larissa

Say hello to @melissa.larissa the beauty behind this stunningly curated Instagram account. This girl knows how to travel in style and her solo traveling shots, be it in Iceland, Slovenia, California or Germany, are nothing short of INCREDIBLE! Follow this girl everyone @melissa.larissa!

13. Nicki from Adventures Of Lil Nicki

Seriously talented, beautifully adventurous and always on the move – meet the inspiring @adventuresoflilnicki who takes some of the most stunning travel photos I’ve ever come across on Instagram. Nicole is not afraid to travel off the beaten path — to places most of us would probably never dream of stepping foot in. Like… Tajikistan!

14. Marina from Marina Comes

Say hello to @marinacomes, one of the most inspiring ladies I’ve come across here on Instagram. The kind of account you find yourself needing to check every day, excited to see what this adventurous lady is up to and what exotic location she is in this week. From Mauritius to Greece, Turkey to Seychelles, her photography is STUNNING and I absolutely adore how she puts herself into her photos in such a unique way.

15. Katie from Okay Bee

I want to give a big shoutout to a fellow Irish blogger and next up in my #solowomeninspire series. Meet @okaybee, the glamorous lady behind this stunning Instagram account. Katie has been all over the world in the last few months from New York and Toronto, to Portugal, Spain London and more and never fails to looks flawless in every pic. While I mainly love pure travel accounts, I also love to follow people like @okaybee as they have a great mix of fun travel pics and outfit inspiration. If only I could look that good on my travels…

16. Wantana from Wantana Tierney Photography

Wow wow wow is all I can say about @wantanatierney — this Thai born Aussie that now lives in Norway (and seems to have an Irish surname — love it!) is seriously a true inspiration. Her photos are to die for so you all need to go follow her right now!! I especially love all her yoga pose pics! @wantanatierney please teach me your ways!

17. Annemarie from Travel On The Brain

Have you ever met someone who has gone swimming in a volcano?! Meet @travelonthebrain the legend behind this awesome Instagram account that is all about inspiring others to get up off their asses and to explore the great outdoors. Her photos make me SO excited for my journey through Switzerland and Austria later this month — as she says nothing will help you look at your problems with new perspective than when standing on a massive mountain and feeling teeny tiny.

18. They from They Wanderlust

Sooooo fellow Irish travel blogger @they.wanderlust’s entire gallery looks like this — guys it is pure perfection. She also happens to have a job most people can only dream about — traveling around me the world reviewing luxury hotels!! A worthy addition to this series, be sure to follow @they.wanderlust.

19. Gloria from The Blog Abroad

I first came across @glographics late last summer and loves her honest blog posts and infectious positivity. This is my second last feature in this #solowomeninspire series and a very worthy entry. Gloria embodies every quality I admire in a blogger, an entrepreneur and a friend. Although I’ve never met her in person I know she would be ridiculous fun to hang out with. If you want inspiration from a woman who will do anything to reach her goals, and aim higher with each passing week, this is the account to follow. Oh, and she’s also freaking hilarious!

20. Patricia from Patching Pixels

Meet @patchinpixels the most creative travel photographer I’ve ever met. This fun-loving, ridiculously talented blogger and photographer brings selfies to the next level and will make even the biggest selfie stick hater want one! I met her in India and loved how she would always go above and beyond everyone else to get the most inventive travel pics. Her gallery is to die for and personality and laugh is totally infectious. This is one Brazilian you definitely need to follow and concludes by #solowomeninspire series! It’s been such a fun 20 days — thanks to everyone for getting involved and following all these awesome ladies. @patchinpixels I salute you!

This post was originally published on Journalist on the Run and is republished here with permission.

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