LAST WEEK, Matador Network and MatadorU co-hosted our first Twitter chat with G Adventures. It was a #travelstoke success — G Adventures, who hosts Twitter chats regularly, said it was one of their most engaged to date. Coolest of all, the official chat hashtag, #GadvMatu, was trending in the #1 spot on Twitter in the US.
Congratulations go to Kristen Pieszko (@krispsko), winner of a MatadorU course of her choice, and Michele Herrmann (@micheleherrmann), who took home a $250 G voucher from G Adventures.
Matador plans on throwing more Twitter chats in the coming months, so stay tuned — we’ll be announcing the next one soon.
The topic for the Twitter chat on June 19th was: How do you tell travel stories? Here are the questions posed by Matador Network Senior Editor David Miller (@dahveed_miller), MatadorU Dean of Education Joshua Johnson (@joshywashington), and G Adventures Moderator Andrew Hickey (@andrewmhickey), along with some of the stellar answers tweeted by the hundreds of people involved: