1. Hacer de tripas corazón | To make heart from guts
We make heart from guts when we do something we don’t really want to do or something we’re scared of doing. Since we need to face the situation, we try to do it by leaving our feelings and emotions aside (that’s the heart), and acting with our guts.
2. Se me ha ido el santo al cielo | My saint left for heaven
Which saint? Shouldn’t he or she already be in heaven, anyway? We say this whenever we forget to do something we’re supposed to, or when we forget what we were going to say.
“What was that you were about to say?”
“I don’t know…se me ha ido el santo al cielo.”
The phrase is said to have been pronounced for the first time by a priest who, during mass, was speaking about a saint and suddenly forgot what he was going to say next about him. So yes, the saint had just left for heaven.