1.Stay calm and accept the situation.
If you’ve ever missed a flight, boarded the wrong train, spent two days in bed from food poisoning, or paid a large chunk of money for a vacation package that turned out to be a scam, then you’re familiar with feelings of panic and extreme anger. (It’s also likely you have a generous handful of swear words reserved for these very occasions, probably in a couple different languages, too.)
The first thing you need to do when you’re faced with a travel-related issue (after the swearing, of course) is to remind yourself to choose to react calmly. Close your eyes for a moment and breathe. Don’t waste time declaring yourself stupid or naïve. Don’t waste time blaming the train guards or the weather or the charming Brazilian man who swindled you out of nearly a quarter of your funds. Instead, accept the situation. The sooner you calmly confront the problem, the sooner you can see how to move forward.