This is what we were told by countless travelers, websites, guide books, friends and family, and we took it to heart. When planning our drive from NYC to Argentina, we planned to spend as little time as possible in Honduras.
Along the way something changed and we decided we’d spend just a few days in the country.
Ok fine, but if you go to Honduras, do not go to San Pedro Sula, the “Murder Capital of the World.” This was the even more definitive advice we received from those same travelers, websites, guide books, friends and family.
Caption: What we imagined everyone in San Pedro Sula looked like based on random news articles. Global Goulets
Every traveler we’ve met on the road in Central America — backpackers, bikers, other overlanders — skipped Honduras. The seasoned travelers and authors of Don’t Go There, It’s Not Safe, You’ll Die, an excellent guidebook for travelers driving through Central America, skipped Honduras.