Go Royale With the LG Watch Phone‏

Technology + Gear
by Michelle Schusterman Aug 11, 2009
The latest gadget from LG is slick enough for 007 himself.
LG Watch Phone

The LG GD910 Touch Watch Phone is one of the thinnest phones in the world at 13.9mm thick. The touch screen features LG’s Flash interface technology that users report works extremely well, especially given the size of the screen (1.43 inches diagonally).

I’ll admit, initially I pictured guys in suits hurrying down Wall Street with their watches up to their ears, yelling into their wrists. But the LG Watch Phone uses stereo Blue-tooth so you’re not talking into your arm like a dork. Speakerphone is another option the LG offers.

The most Bond-like feature? A tiny camera above the screen allows for video conferences. Smooth.

The LG Watch Phone also boasts an mp3 player, reportedly with 70 MB of memory storage, 3G HSDPA technology, voice recognition, text to speech (to read aloud text messages), and comes in a variety of colors like blue, red, silver, black, and pink.

Sadly, as of right now the LG Watch Phone is only available in Europe and, for a limited time, the UK.

The price?

Well, only true Bonds can afford it.

Price: € 899 ($1,290)

For more on the LG Watch Phone

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