Wrap Up: Wedding Album Arrives From VioVio

Technology + Gear Contests
by Lola (Akinmade) Åkerström Nov 25, 2011
The wedding album finally arrives to my high expectations…

I’D PREVIOUSLY reviewed VioVio’s photo printing service using a complimentary voucher as the nudge I needed to finally print my wedding album. The first part of the review covered the following items:

  1. Overall look and feel
  2. Ease of use and functionality
  3. Processing time

The last item I planned on reviewing after the album arrived was its delivery time as well as its overall quality. Though initial estimates said it was due at my doorstep between 4-8 weeks, it arrived in less than two weeks, which surprised me. Hungrily tearing off its packaging, I quickly dug for the shipping receipt to see if it had been “expedited” on a complimentary basis, but no — it’s $9.99 International SuperSaver shipping option did indeed get the album to me in Sweden within days.

On to quality…

Quality of Final Product

Wow! Niiiice!” I heard my husband from the living room. He’d stumbled across the album lying on our coffee table before I’d had a chance to properly thumb through it. The glossy image-covered hard cover gave the small 8.5″ x 8.5″ album an edible wedding-cake-like feel. The images were equally crisp, colorful, and popped right off its glossy pages, and I hadn’t even bothered to edit them before printing. Needless to say, that small album looked sleek.

Wedding Album from VioVio - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström


My “Hidden” Test

But I already had a challenging test in store to really see if VioVio‘s image printing quality was as solid as advertised. While all the images selected were high resolution, large-sized files to guarantee optimal printing, I picked a very small sized (~318 KB) file with a dimension of roughly 900×600 pixels as the large back cover image of the album. I wanted to see if VioVio would fall flat when it came to using that small-res photo as my back cover.

Here’s the result:

Wedding Album from VioVio - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

While my quick snapshot of the album above may not do it enough justice, VioVio certainly passed all my quality checks. Overall, I was impressed with the quality of their product and service from start to finish, and would highly recommend them. I’ve got enough proof sitting on my coffee table right now…

Win a $50 VioVio Gift Certificate!

Best of all, we’re giving away a $50 VioVio gift certificate to our readers. The holiday season is in full swing and if you usually send out Christmas or holiday cards, this certificate will help you get those photo cards printed and out the door for free.

And we have a winner – Congratulations, Lester @jlideastream!

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