1. Can you please put pronunciations on your city signs?
Luh-FAYette, Suh-vannuh, May-kin, States-burrah, Ad-lanna, et cetera, et cetera. And can you go on and post fines on the city limit signs for those who continue to say ‘Hotlanta’?
2. Two inches? Really?
Yeah, yeah, it’s the South — we’re supposed trample others for buggies loaded with milk, bread, and pop tarts any time there’s a chance of the sky spitting cold, white shit. But a shutting down over two inches of snow? Two inches? C’mon. Babies were born on the side of the road. Chick-fil-A sent in the national guard of nuggets. Some people spent 23 hours trying to go six miles. It was pretty much the textbook example of a clusterfuck. You’d think years of sledding down hills of fake snow on Stone Mountain would have prepared us a little bit more for the whole fiasco. Or, you know, the fact that the freakin’ Weather Channel is stationed here.