YOU COULD SPEND A LIFETIME IN New York and still only see a tiny fraction of what the city has to offer. You probably don’t have that much time to give to the city that never sleeps, so we dipped into our new travelstoke app and pulled out 11 of the absolute, can’t-miss experiences everyone should have in NYC.
11 Must-Do Experiences in New York
2. Read and people-watch in the Conservatory Garden
3. Get your Teddy Roosevelt on at the Explorer’s Club
(It’s a private club, but they do occasionally host public events)
4. Buy something cool at Bushwick Flea
5. Take in the Street Art on Canal Street
6. Stock up on travel books at Idlewild Bookshop
7. Walk the High Line
8. Pay your respects at the World Trade Center
9. Walk across one of the great engineering wonders of the world
10. Imagine a better world at the UN Headquarters
11. Be a tourist atop the greatest building in the world
Did we miss something? Download the travelstoke app and add it in yourself!