A normal mom will give you a normal birthday party with family and maybe a few of your friends.
A Brazilian mom will give you a mega-ultra party filled with candy, cake, brigadeiros, bala de coco, coxinhas, pão de queijo, beijinho, decorations, a whole theme, a clown, a princess, Ben 10, Adventure Time, and Chaves & Chapolin.
A normal mom will tell you that the socks are in the left drawer. If you don’t find them there (because you really didn’t look for them), then she’ll think she’s made some kind of mistake.
A Brazilian mom will tell you that the socks are in the left drawer. And if you don’t find them there (because you really didn’t look for then), she’ll scream from the other side of the house: “Se eu for ai e achar, eu vou esfregar na tua cara!” Or: “If I go there and find them, I’ll rub your face in them.” Brazilian moms have a low tolerance for BS.