Photo: Bogdan Sonjachnyj/Shutterstock

14 Signs You Were Born and Raised in Bellingham

Student Work
by Shelby Huff Apr 7, 2016

1. You slap a “Go East 542” sticker on your Subaru and laptop.

So people will immediately recognize you as one of their kind.

2. You protest the coal trains. Passive aggressively, of course.

Despite strong opposition or protests, coal trains are making their way through the state, bringing with them excessive nightly noise, diesel pollution, and coal dust that seeps into the land, air, and water. It’s painful to watch, yet you really don’t know what to do besides politely complain.

3. You have no problem foregoing shoes.

To REI, to Casa Que Pasa and definitely to the farmer’s market — barefoot is always in.

4. You support the idea of Cascadia.

Even though deep down you know it will never fall together in your lifetime.

5. You quietly judge everyone who doesn’t buy local.

From the chanterelles in the Chuckanut mountains, the leafy greens in Ferndale, the cheese in Lynden and the rich soil that invites you to grow your own food, you question anyone who thinks they need Fred Meyer.

6. You sport your Chacos, your nicest North Face fleece or Patagonia down with your cleanest jeans — to a formal event.

Even semiformal is stretching the limits of your fashion comfort zone. And wool socks with Chacos? Completely acceptable.

7. You play hookie whenever the sun shines.

When the first rays of sunshine greet your Vitamin D deficient skin after all those dark winter months, you can’t abandon it. You hike Oyster Dome, rent a sailboat at Lakewood, kayak Bellingham Bay, mountain bike on Galbrath Mountain, flyfish the Nooksack, and lie in the grass at Boulevard Park while you chow down on some Mallard’s Ice Cream.

8. You always refuel at Boundary Bay Brewery.

You’ve been thinking about that Oatmeal Stout, a meal in a glass, since you stepped onto the trail this morning.

9. You actually get stressed over your brunch options.

Old Town or Home Skillet? Mount Bakery or the Co-op?

10. You never miss opening day at Baker.

It doesn’t matter if you have a test, an interview, or your firstborn is on the way. You will be there.

11. You freak out about your carbon footprint.

You consider going vegan. You only shop at Goodwill. You drive only when absolutely necessary. You bring your own mugs to businesses who don’t offer compostable cups. And you judge how good of a person you are based on all of the above.

12. You learn to balance an instrument or two and over 20 pounds of groceries while riding your bike.

While you may feel like the world’s biggest badass, not one soul will bat an eye as you whoosh by.

13. You sardine as many friends as possible into your beater Subaru and head south for a few weeks, if not months, during the winter time.

Baja it is.

14. You want to buy a boat or a van to live out of.

It’s somewhat sustainable and your friends, who generously let you park in their driveway and use their shower and kitchen, tell you you’re living the dream, which you are.

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