Photo: Phillip B. Espinasse/Shutterstock

14 Things You Get Addicted to in Hawaii

by Kirstina Bolton May 1, 2015

1. Toyotas.

Mainly 4 runners and Tacomas. If you don’t own one yourself, your brother probably does. They’re e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e.

2. The quality of produce you can get for free.

Like that tree on the side of the road that has avocados the size of your face.

3. Your area code.

That 808- prefix may be the only connection you have to Hawaii, but it makes for great conversation starters.

4. Your driver’s license.

If driver licenses were currency, Hawaii’s would be the colorful Swiss Franc that people would want to frame and hang on their wall.

5. Kama’aina discounts.

Where else do you get perks simply by being a resident? “You live in paradise too? Here, have a discount.”

6. Wearing your swimsuit at all times, or at least having one with you at all times.

Because lunch hour, happy hour, and any hour can very easily be spend at the beach.

7. The smell of plumerias and gardenias.

Try as you might, we all know that “Hawaii” scented air-freshener will never come close to the real thing.

8. The Green Flash.

After seeing countless green flashes when the sun sets over the ocean, it’s always a little disappointing to watch it set even on the west coast, when the sun leaves without an emerald trace.

9. Fresh Fish.

Sure, our mercury levels might be through the roof, but fresh poke and sashimi are well worth it.

10. Making fun of local radio and TV commercials.

There’s nothing quite like two uncles bantering about a new Zippy’s location or a car dealer announcing they have “choke” cars and their styles are “cherry.” It’s pidgin at its best.

11. Heineken (or Rolling Rock).

Don’t ask why, but essentially beer from a green bottle will always be a go-to in Hawaii.

12. Automatic street cred for living (having lived) in Hawaii.

When meeting people, you always look forward to the “where are you from?” question, just to blow everyone else out of the water.

13. The surf.

No wetsuit, no fending off swarms of seaweed, and for the most part, you don’t need inoculations to be in the water. Sometimes there’s crowds, but if you know where to go and when, it’s the best place to be in the world.

14. Slow living.

It’s called aloha time for a reason.

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