1. You know that everything and anything can be — and is — a jawn.
Jawn is a word with a lot of pull. It can literally replace any noun in Philadelphian language. Need the remote? “Hey, pass me that jawn.” Lose your cell phone? “Where did I put that jawn?” Someone offers you some lima beans? “Get that jawn off my plate!”
2. You’ve been mocked for your accent.
No matter where you go — whether to Europe or just across the state to Pittsburgh — the way certain words come out of a Philadelphian’s mouth always seems to grab people’s attention. Out-of-towners love to make my apparent accent a topic of discussion or the butt of a joke. Actual studies have shown that the Philly accent and some of the linguistic oddities of the area are the strangest in the country. Water is pronounced “wooder” and I could pick out a Philly native halfway across the world just by the way they say “bathroom.”