1. The horn
Sometimes, when I’m starting to drift off, my mind decides to drift to the first time I ever touched a tit, just to be a dick. I was fifteen. Or sixteen. I’m not quite sure, because I’m fairly certain I repressed most of the memory way down deep, next to my fear of the dark and that time I shattered my tooth on a concrete floor.
I was on the swim team at school. I was pretty damn good at it, too, which unfortunately didn’t exactly translate into success with the ladies. But bless my cringey heart, I tried. We had gone to compete a few towns over, which meant staying in a hotel. Between meet sessions, we simply relaxed and watched TV, and that led to myself watching TV with a girl I had been crushing on, and who I was sure was also crushing on me. Soon my arm was around her shoulder, though our faces remained on the television. She leaned her head on my shoulder. This was it. My big chance.