Tibetan Plateau, China

These Images Show the Natural Beauty of Women All Over the World

Photo + Video + Film
by Morgane Croissant Oct 27, 2015

Mihaela Noroc, a 30-year-old Romanian photographer, knows that there’s much more to beauty than what is displayed in glossy fashion magazines. To prove it to the world, she quit her job, went traveling, and started The Atlas of Beauty, a photography project for which Noroc took portraits of young women from 60 different countries.

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

Kathmandu, Nepal.

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

Bogota, Colombia

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

Tibetan Plateau, China

For Noroc, “beauty means to keep alive your origins and your culture. To be natural, sincere, authentic, particular, not necessary fashion.”

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

Amazon jungle, Ecuador.

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

New York, USA

Mihaela Noroc's portrait


Noroc explains to The Telegraph, “I prefer to photograph natural faces, without a lot of make-up, and to capture that moment of sincerity and serenity that is so specific for women.”

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

Otavalo, Ecuador.

Mihaela Noroc's portrait


Noroc has great hopes for her project, “Maybe in 50 years all women from all around the world will dress and act the same. I hope my project will remain a witness of my era’s cultures and traditions.”

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

Oxford, UK.

Mihaela Noroc's portrait

Havana, Cuba.

To support Mihaela Noroc’s project, visit her website, follow her on Instagram, and like her on Facebook.

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