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Matador Picks: Cambodian Surf Rock, An Orchestra From Georgia, Galactica Redux and an Orgy Of DS Games

by Tom Gates Apr 20, 2009
101-in-1 Explosive Megamix For DS

It seems like a foolproof monotony-buster from where we sit. $20 bucks will nab you this new DS title, which features 101 ways to kill an hour. The games are wireless multi-player, for those of you who are looking to be social. In your own, dorky way.

Dengue Fever: Sleepwalking Through the Mekong DVD

A Cambodian singer returns to her country after a five-year absense, with her America-based band in tow. A very interesting documentary concept, given that the Pol Pot did everything possible to destroy this kind of music, which sounds a bit like surf tunes on acid.

Manchester Orchestra

Hailing from Georgia, Manchester Orchestra has built their following like REM did; by touring nonstop. Mean Everything To Nothing may be their first stab at the bigtime but that won’t matter to the legion of fans who turn up at shows, screaming along to lyrics as fast as singer Andy Hull can sing them.


We’re very nervous about this one. Battlestar Galactica finished so brilliantly that nobody wants to see the sci-fi equivalent of “Joey”, which is what some online chatter is predicting. Releasing the pilot almost a year before the first episode makes for an interesting marketing campaign. Eric Holtz is praying to The Gods that this one puts him back on the map.

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