The 8 Most Inspiring Travel Photos This Week

Photo + Video + Film Galleries
by Katie Gavin Jul 19, 2016

EACH WEEK WE CHOOSE OUR favorite images from readers, fans, and travelers, who tag their photos with #travelstoke and post them on our Instagram account. These pictures provide a daily dose of incentive, and challenge us to photograph the world in innovative ways. Here are this week’s editors’ picks of people finding some serious #travelstoke.

1. Lucas Lessa and Kelly Vidal, Old Havana, Cuba.

2. Oscar Toledo, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.

( Adventure Time )

Una foto publicada por Oscar Toledo (@os.toledo) el

3. Nathan Bruhl, New Zealand.

Shoutout to my $30 Aldi boots for getting me here.

Una foto publicada por Nathan Bruhl (@bruhlay) el

4. Yulia Denisyuk, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

In the US, we have been removed from the source of our food by multiple steps. We buy pre-packaged items and often don’t know where they come from. In Kazakhstan, and in many other places around the world, people still have that link. They buy their meat from this particular butcher, tell him which cut they want, and watch him handle the animal swiftly. It may be messier that way, but it’s also more real. #almaty #nomadicluster

Una foto publicada por 📷 Yulia Denisyuk (@insearchofperfect) el

5. Kristen, Grandeur Peak, California.

6. Max Rive, Lofoten, Norway.

“those who say they can and those who say they can’t are both usually right” Some last spots available for my workshops on

Una foto publicada por Max Rive (@maxrivephotography) el

7. Zeb Goodman, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

ZzZooOmMm! 🏁

A photo posted by Zeb Goodman (@zebgoodman) on

8. Sean Carr, Winter Park, Colorado.

@brettbrooner doing his fancy stance for the camera out in Colorado.

Una foto publicada por Sean Carr (@seancarrphotography) el

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