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If You Live Abroad Today Is Your Last Chance to Vote in the Primaries. Here's How

United States Activism
by Cathy Brown Mar 9, 2016

DID YOU GROW UP WATCHING the Simpsons, eating barbecue, and riding horses?

Then you, my friend, sound like a citizen of the ole’ U.S of A. Wait… Either way, if you’re the proud owner of a stars-and-stripes passport then you must be aware of the elections going on across the equator. And whether you’ve been following along with bated breath or with a hand over your eyes, there’s no better time than now to flex those democratic muscles and cast your vote in your birth state’s primaries. Like my mama always said, voting’s a privilege and not one we should take for granted. So with those wise words fresh in your head, hop on one of your last opportunities to make your electoral voice heard.

Are you feeling the Bern? Or would you rather chill with Hill? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then peep the link below:

Register online with Democrats Abroad and print the form and follow the instructions to cast your overseas ballot. Takes just a few minutes to fill out and you can send the information back online. It’s 2016 and democracy has never been easier.

The process of voting Republican from abroad is a little less organized. Maybe they’ve been too busy searching for a viable candidate to solidify their absentee ballot system. What? Who said that? Anyways, I leave you the below link:

While this option may not be as easy as the Democratic counterpart, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vote as well. Democracy takes work, friends!

Today’s the last days to vote in your state’s primary from afar, so drop what you’re doing and print out that ballot. And if you’re still confused, follow the links and read up because being oceans and countries away from the place you once called home doesn’t mean you can’t still rock the vote.

This article originally appeared on The Bubble and is republished here with permission.

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