1. You learn who put the “Prep” in “Prepper”.
Alaskans were “preppers” way before prepping was a thing and you learn the law of the north young. An Alaskan is never caught unprepared. Ever. You buy the biggest, heaviest, sturdiest vehicle you can afford. Why? In case you get hit by some idiot who’s driving too fast and can’t stop at an icy intersection or in the more unfortunate event, you hit a moose that’s trying to cross the road. You keep an extra blanket, hat, pair of gloves, shovel, flares, jumper cables, sturdy rope and even a container of sand in the trunk 9 months out of the year. This is your “BOS” (Bug Out of the Snowbank) gear and you haul it around like a boss in order to sometimes help the lesser experienced dislodge from snowbanks near you.