When you live in Maine for a little while, the state’s way of life gets under your skin. From the tip of Aroostook County to the 4,600 islands along the coast, Mainers have unusual habits that are hard to shake off, especially when they leave the state boundaries. Here are seven quirks deeply ingrained in every Mainer out there.
1. Saying “wicked.”
It’s not just “good,” it’s “wicked good.” It starts out as a joke — a wink and a nod to the old Mainer caricature — and before you know it, you’re telling your buddy about that “wicked” Ghost of Paul Revere concert you went to and the “wicked good” hummus sandwich you ate for lunch. When your travels take you elsewhere, it’ll be hard to shake the phrase. But be warned: exclaiming that Aunt Josie’s Georgia peach pie is “wicked” at a church picnic might earn you sideways glances.