Photo: Netflix

Attention Fans of Ugly Delicious: David Chang Is Already Launching a New Show Tomorrow

by Katie Gavin Apr 25, 2018

David Chang seems to be dominating all facets of his field at the moment, from his restaurant empire to multimedia content. If you’ve binged your way through his episodes on Mind of a Chef and his recent, massively popular Netflix series Ugly Delicious and are still hungry, you are in luck. After announcing the launch of a multimedia company last month, Majordomo Media, Chang is following that up with a new culture podcast series called, you could have guessed it, The David Chang Show.

Hosted on Bill Simmons Media Group’s The Ringer Podcast Network, it was reported by Eater that the new podcast will launch this Thursday on April 26th. It is being presented as a short series, but not much is known about the exact content or format of the show. But those familiar with Chang’s style can hope it will reflect his interest in the central importance food plays in society. The Ringer is no stranger to offering chat about food and culture with the listing of the House of Carbs podcast and essays from Danny Chau.

Chang first dabbled in creating content with writer Peter Meehan establishing the very popular magazine Lucky Peach, which sadly folded in 2017. The James Beard Award winner, food-centric indie journal came to a close, leaving fans grasping for final copies and complete 24-issue collections being sold for over $1000 US.

Although we’ll have to wait until this coming Thursday to find out what Chang will present to us on his new podcast, we can guess that it will make us just as hungry to eat our way around the world as Ugly Delicious did. Chang had this to say in a written statement about his continued ventures into content creation:

“Majordomo is a place for people to connect over the things I believe define culture: travel, food, music, sports, exploration.” He continues, “I don’t want to tell people what to do or show them the new cool thing. Plenty of places do that. I want to teach them how to find — and understand — new and different things.”

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