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The Most Cat-Friendly Cities in the US, According to Veterinarians

Pets News
by Jori Ayers Aug 31, 2021

It’s a top priority to make sure you’re comfortable wherever you’re living. And for cat owners, it’s essential that their feline companion is just as happy as they are.

To give cat owners peace of mind that their pet’s needs are met when they move, OneVet, an online tele-veterinarian platform, has ranked the most cat-friendly cities in the US. It has compared 50 major US cities against five ranking factors:

  • The number of pet-friendly rentals
  • The number of veterinarians
  • The number of cat adoptions in 2020
  • The number of cat cafes
  • The number of pet stores

They assigned scores to each factor and calculated the sum of the weight factors to get the overall score for each city. The highest score being 50.

The overall most cat-friendly US cities:

  1. Miami, FL – 43,47
  2. Orlando, FL – 43,37
  3. Salt Lake City, UT – 39,69
  4. Pittsburgh, PA – 37,60
  5. Cincinnati, OH – 37,24
  6. Atlanta, G – 36,47A
  7. Denver, CO – 36,21
  8. Minneapolis, MN – 35,32
  9. Tampa, FL – 33,97
  10. Riverside, CA – 32,69

The overall worst US cities for cats and cat owners:

  1. New York, NY – 5.93
  2. Memphis, TN – 10,22
  3. New Orleans, LA – 14,45
  4. Jacksonville, FL – 15,94
  5. Pheonix, AZ – 16,13
  6. Los Angeles, CA – 16,86
  7. Detriot, MI – 17,27
  8. San Francisco, CA – 18,11
  9. Houston TX – 18,38
  10. Virginia Beach, VA – 19,06

The US cities with the most cat adoptions in 2020:

  1. Denver, CO
  2. Oklahoma City, OK
  3. Milwaukee, WI
  4. Richmond, VA
  5. Salt Lake City, UT
  6. Baltimore, MD
  7. Austin, TX
  8. Kansas City, MO
  9. Louisville, KY
  10. Jacksonville, FL

The US cities with the most cat-friendly rentals:

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Orlando, FL
  3. Austin, TX
  4. Portland, OR
  5. Kansas City, MO
  6. St. Louis, MO
  7. Cincinnati, OH
  8. Pittsburgh, PA
  9. Las Vegas, NV
  10. Birmingham, AL

For more information on the ranking, check out OneVet’s list of the most cat-friendly cities in the US.

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