If you need a bit of a pick-me-up, there’s nothing like animals for a serotonin boost. The Jaguar Rescue Center in Costa Rica opened its doors in 2008 to nurse sloths, birds, monkeys, reptiles, and other wild animals back to health, and helped over 800 animals in 2021 alone, including introducing babies back to their mothers.
@matadornetwork Fun fact: #sloths often give birth while hanging upside down 🙃 🎥 @jaguarrescuecentercr #slothtok #slothlover #costaricatravel ♬ original sound – Fav Tunes 🤍
According to a news release, this mom and baby sloth were found on May 10 near the beach. The baby was crying, but the mom didn’t seem to notice as she climbed back to the canopy. The baby sloth was brought in for a check-up with the vet and had no injuries. The Jaguar Rescue Center used a tactic where they played the sloth’s cry near the tree until the mother noticed and came down for her baby.