Map: Eurovelo

Mapped: The European Cycle Route Network

Maps + Infographics
by Morgane Croissant Apr 27, 2017

IF YOU LIKE traveling but the idea of flying everywhere and increasing your carbon footprint makes you uneasy, we’ve got a solution for you. Eurovelo is a network of 15 long-distance cycle routes connecting the whole European continent. It’s perfect for those who want to have a sustainable lifestyle while on the road, but it’s also a great option for the slow-travelers and outdoors-lovers among us.

The 15 routes total over 70,000 kilometers with the longest one (route 13) consisting of 10,400 kilometers. Obviously, you don’t have to cycle EuroVelo’s routes from start to finish — you can cycle only parts of it and still have blast.

For more information about EuroVelo, check out their website and their detailed map here.

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