Map: The Telegraph

Mapped: The World's Most and Least Religious Countries

Maps + Infographics
by Morgane Croissant May 22, 2017

WE ALREADY know about the religious composition of the world, but how religious exactly are the inhabitants of each country in the world?

The Telegraph created the map below based on the results of three WIN/Gallup International polls, taken in 2008, 2009, and 2015. For these polls, participants were asked if they felt religious or not. Hover above the countries to know the percentage of people who answered “yes” to the poll.

According to the data collected, the five most religious countries are Ethiopia (99%), Malawi (99%), Niger (99%), Sri Lanka (99%) and Yemen (99%). The five least religious countries are China (7%), Japan (13%), Estonia (16%), Sweden (16%), Norway (21%).

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