Photo: Planters

Planters Will Pay College Grads to Drive Around the US in a Giant Peanut

by Dayana Aleksandrova Feb 19, 2021

If you have ever dreamed of driving across the country in Planters’ iconic NUTmobile, now you can. The company is looking for recent college grads hungry for adventure to road trip around the US sporting the Planters logo and talking to strangers about Mr. Peanut. Applications to be in the new Peanutters squad are open until tonight.

The job responsibilities entail pitching media outlets and influencers, managing social media and creating content for the company’s Twitter and Instagram, working on brand strategy with the help of external agencies, and of course, being a dedicated Mr. Peanut spokesperson.

In order to qualify for the job, you need to hold a bachelor’s degree, preferably in business, PR, marketing, or journalism, although this isn’t a strict requirement. You also need a valid driver’s license and most importantly, you need to be eager to spend a whole year on the road as a Planters ambassador.

The new Peanutters will kick off the job by attending Peanut Prep, which will teach them everything there is to know about the company’s history and products and delve into the specifics of the 13,000-pound NUTmobile and how to drive it safely through traffic.

If this sounds like the adventure of a lifetime, send in an application before 11:59 PM tonight.

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