Photo: sukiicat

Meet Suki, the Bengal Cat Who Puts Instagrammers to Shame

by Henry Miller Dec 2, 2017

It seems that everyone is a model these days. What used to be a collection of vacation polaroids withering in a cardboard box now has the potential to earn you a sponsorship from a boutique hotel (which is pretty cool). Alas, the doom of Instagram modeling is upon us. It isn’t that the business has changed, only that humans don’t stand a chance against Suki the Cat.


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Not only does Suki have the coat of a cheetah and eyes the color of a dying star, this Bengal kitty has the piercing gaze of Grace Jones and the posturing of Gisele.

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

She and her mom live together in Canada, where the opportunities for canoe photoshoots are plentiful.

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

As a model, Suki can go from wide-eyed in the face of the Universe

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

To playfull

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

And loving

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

To circumspect

Mountain lion 🦁🏔

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

And courageous

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

To downright miffed that you would deign to ask such a question.

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

Ugh, just sell me something already, Suki. I want whatever it is you have.

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

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