The Ramones’ odyssey began in Queens, New York in the early 1970s. Four outcasts met at Forest Hills High School, formed a band, moved to Manhattan, and toured the world, but still sang about their home-ground in songs like “Rockaway Beach,” and “We’re A Happy Family.” Here’s the ultimate New York itinerary for Ramones fans.
You can see most of the famous NYC sites associated with the Ramones in a single day, by using the subway. Starting at 53rd & 3rd will put you close to the E-M line, which you can take out to Forest Hills. After exploring the middle-class neighborhood where the Ramones spent their formative years, hop on the F train to the Bowery, where you can see where the band played their first series of gigs — as well as the street sign bearing Joey’s name. For the second leg of the tour, take the A train out to the beach that the Ramones helped make famous.