13 Reasons to Let Yourself Get Lost in Mexico

Mexico Photo + Video + Film
by Katie Gavin Apr 28, 2015

MEXICO is home to ancient civilizations including the Toltec, Olmec, Teotihuacan, Zapotec, Maya, and Aztec. With its pre-Columbian history, there are 62 indigenous languages spoken, and the topography is full of ancient ruins.

Dubbed one of 18 ‘megadiverse countries’ of the world, Mexico is home to deserts, rainforests, four mountain ranges, and beaches that flirt with both the Pacific and the Caribbean. The country also contains 200,000 plant and animal species.

According to the World Tourism Organization, Mexico is the most visited nation in the Americas, (after the United States) and for good reason. With its vibrant culture and scenery, there are many reasons why you should let yourself get lost in Mexico: Here’s my top 13.

1. Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City

Ramelli Serge

2. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Mexico City

Rene Alejandro Basurto Quijada

3. Cities of color

Todd Wall

4. Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo

Ricardo Beltrán

5. The Riviera Maya

Liban Yusuf

6. Guanajuato


7. Markets in Mérida


8. Dive the Chac Mool, Cenotes, Yucatan Peninsula

Thomas Conrad

9. Popocatepetl

Cristobal Garciaferro Rubio

10. Surf

Roger Sharp

11. Yucatan

Adrian Hernandez Binz

12. Real Mexican food

Eduardo Mendoza

13. Cozumel Island

Cristobal Garciaferro Rubio

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