Photo: daxon

25 Travel Bloggers Killing It on Instagram

United States Photo + Video + Film
by Janet Newenham Apr 4, 2016

IN THE SHORT 9 MONTHS since I joined Instagram, I have become totally addicted and really love the levels of engagements I have with my followers. I have even met up with total strangers I met through Instagram on my travels and if you love photography, I highly recommend you seek out the best Instagrammers in the area you are travelling to and organize to meet up for a photo tour. Your followers will thank you!

I have been very fussy when curating this list, only picking accounts which I myself follow and which I believe you will feel compelled to follow the minute you land not their profile page.

Here are my top 25 adventure travel photographers on Instagram, who will take you on the most exciting journey of your life.

1. Christian McLeod

More aerials… What do you see? #GNARborday

A photo posted by Christian McLeod – New Zealand (@christianmcld) on

I came across Christian’s Instagram account last year and have totally fallen in love with. It is one of the only accounts that I check religiously every day for new images and every time one is uploaded I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. The images of frozen rivers in Iceland and a man free diving between 2 continents are by far my favourites, but I am sure you will all have your own favourites once you’ve had a look around. The colours, the light, the angles, the composition…this guy is just killing it with the outdoor adventure and ocean photography. A MUST FOLLOW.

2. Allan Dixon

I met Allan almost 12 years ago when we both attended the same university in Dublin and have loved watching him achieving all his goals. He has made a huge name for himself as an adventure and outdoor photographer and is also dipping his toes in the 360 video sphere. Now known as a modern day ‘Dr Dolittle,’ Allan’s animal selfie photos went viral earlier this year and were featured on newspapers around the world as well as by Instagram themselves. He has just moved to Queenstown, New Zealand so you can expect plenty of stunning mountain images from now on.

3. Patricia Schussel Gomes

I met Patricia on the Kerala Blog Express back in February and from the moment I saw her take her first photo, I knew I was in the company of greatness. Despite being on a trip of 30 bloggers, who were all clicking away furiously, Patricia was somehow able to take a 100% unique (and stunning) image on every day of our trip that far outweighed the rest of our photos put together. A natural born photographer.

4. Travel Dave Uk

Enjoying the scenic coastal views of Antalya, Turkey. 🇹🇷😍 #antalya #turkey

A photo posted by TravelDaveUK🌍✈️ (@traveldaveuk) on

Here’s a funny fact. My number 4 and number 2 on this list both have something in common which they may not know. They both won pretty big competitions with an old social network called Bebo, an event which I believe changed both their lives and helped steer the direction of their careers. I have been following Dave since his Bebo adventures and am now totally crushing on his Instagram photos.

5. Globetrotting Ginger Travel

Just relaxing on the edge of a cliff, no big.

A photo posted by Aubrie ✈ Globetrotting Ginger (@globetrotting_gingertravel) on

Oh Aubrie, have I ever told you I might actually be in love with your Instagram account? With her long, flowing red hair, this girl knows how to put herself in the shot and turn a good image into a great one. Her photos make me want to put on my hiking boots and wander for months on end through the United States best national parks. True earth porn!

6. Expert Vagabond

Matthew Karsten is another famous travel blogger who was also gifted with the ability to take stunning photographs wherever he goes. I love the way he can make what might have been a slightly boring image interesting by adding in a prop, such as a mobile phone or his bicycle. Definitely an account to follow!

7. Matthias Derhake

I met Matthias from Travel Telling while on a blogger trip to Kerala, India in February and have since then loved closely following his travel adventures on Instagram. Matthias is an advocate of slow travel, something that make his Instagram that much more interesting.

8. Travel Tom Tom

I met Tom on my travels through Thailand a few weeks ago and when I went to check out his Instagram it’s safe to say I was blown away. He was in the same places as me, visiting the same beaches and same hotels, yet he had the ability to capture these moments (and a camera phone no less!!) with a level of skill I may never achieve. This is one Instagrammer that is on the way UP.

9. TripHackr

What makes a good photographer great is his ability to take a photo of a place or a moment on time that has been photographed millions of times, yet is able to look at it with a totally fresh perspective. I think Clint Johnston proves himself time and time again, and his recent photos of New York from the air are just another example of his insane skill.

10. The Planet D

Dave and Deb from The Planet D are probably the most famous travel bloggers in the world and for good reasons. Not only are they super talented writers, their travel photography is some of the best I have ever seen in their life. Every picture explodes with colour and definition and you can’t help but want to check in on them every day to see what they are up to. A true inspiration to me and many others.

11. Anna Everywhere

Beautiful day in Miami Beach! #southbeachmiami

A photo posted by Anna L ✈ AnnaEverywhere (@anna.everywhere) on

When a girl has quite literally been everywhere, you can’t help but want to be part of the adventure. From Mexico to Amsterdam, Poland to Brazil, Anna’s Instagram is full of such colourful photos from her world travels that she would make even the laziest arm-chair traveller want to get up and get out.

12. Hippie In Heels

Good morning!

A photo posted by Rachel Jones ✈ Hippie in Heels (@hippieinheelsblog) on

While Rachel from Hippie in Heels is better known for being a luxury travel blogger with killer style, nobody I have come across on Instagram has conveyed the beauty of India like she does and for that alone she deserves a spot on this list. From posing high up in the tea plantations of Munnar to exploring the remote north, this is one girl who knows how to sell a destination! Check out the interview I did with her here.

13. The Bosnian Aussie

I have been following Ariana for quite some time now and am totally in love with not only her beautiful photos but the style and grace with which she takes them. This girl is one of the only people I know who can climb a mountain and still look like she stepped out of a fashion magazine.

14. Land Lopers

Meanwhile in Tanzania… Hello from Tarangire National Park in Tanzania! After spending yesterday resting in Arusha, getting used to the jet lag I was so excited to get up this morning and finally start my luxury safari experience with Abercrombie & Kent, who I consider to be the world’s leading experts in luxury travel. It was a two hour drive to the main gate of the park and still another couple hours before we reached our stunning tented camp – Sanctuary Retreat Swala – but almost immediately we had our first wildlife encounter of the day, a large herd of elephants eating some grass and crossing the road ahead. I’ve seen them in the wild before but never this close and sitting there in the truck just watching these beautiful animals for almost half an hour was truly an amazing experience. But it was just the first of many not only today but for what will be an amazing week of discovery through Tanzania’s most remarkable national parks. Giraffes, lions, elephants, hippos, cheetahs and more will all be seen this week and in the highest of styles. A&K is the best because they literally created the concept of luxury safari experiences. The comfort and service is honestly amazing but more important is the expertise of our Abercrombie & Kent guide whose knowledge has already given us several moments I know I’ll remember forever. Wifi may be spotty this week but I’ll share as much as I can! #aktravel

A photo posted by Matt Long (@landlopers) on

I have to admit my slight obsession with Africa and all things African has probably helped me fall head over heels in love with the Matt Long’s Instagram account. A blogger and travel photographer, Matt’s speciality is experiential luxury and a look at his photos will surely have you emptying your savings to book that dream African safari!

15. Polkadot Passport

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13

A photo posted by Nicola Easterby ✈️ (@polkadotpassport) on

Nicola Easterly is the talented lady behind Polkadot Passport (no doubt a hint at how many stamps she has in that passport of hers!!) and her photos are simply incredible. This is the type of account you could get totally lost in and there is no way you can click off the page without following. I especially love her creativity and the way she always tried to put herself into the shot.

16. Travelling Weasels

I had the pleasure of meeting Laura and Tanbay on a recent stay travel blogger meet-up in Krabi and was blown away by the story of how they met (true soulmates!) and the manner in which they are living their lives. These two wanderlust’s travel the world with ease by finding house-sitting gigs in the most beautiful places. They are currently exploring the Philippines and will be wandering around Southeast Asia for the next few months before heading to their next house-sit in Europe.

17. Getting Stamped

I have heard so much about these guys over the last year but I am ashamed to say I have only recently started following their travels a little closer. Their travel photography is to die for and, like me, they love to inject colour into their Instagram profile whenever they can. To see the behind-the-scenes action, you can follow their journey on Snapchat (username: gettingstamped), where they are also making strides!

18. One Step 4Ward

If you don’t know this man you must be hiding under a rock. While his Instagram might not have as many mountain and landscape photos as the others on this list, he is the most well-travelled person I know (and one of the most well-travelled people in the world) and for this alone I am totally hooked to his account. He will take you on adventures to countries you did not know exist and I love when he includes photo of his travels with his Mum, such as on a recent trip to Afghanistan!

19. A Broken Backpack

-27 degrees wasn’t very… Awesome. Seriously, Snow… You are too sexy for me.

A photo posted by Melissa Giroux (@abrokenbackpack) on

While fairly new to the blogging world, Mel is kicking ass on Instagram. It helps that she spent the last year living in one of the most beautiful and picturesque countries in the world (New Zealand) and that she also hails from yet another country known for its great outdoors; Canada. Mel was one of the fearless females I included in my list of Top Female Travel Blogger On The Rise.

20. My Life’s A Movie

Be it solo camping adventures, hiking to Machu Picchu, or exploring emerald caves on a stand-up paddleboard, Alyssa Ramos knows how to live an adventurous life regardless of the destination. She is a huge inspiration for other girls trying to find the courage to travel solo and her GoPro shots are nothing short of spectacular. Be sure to check out her shots from Norway and Finland when she wen in search of the Northern Lights.

21. The Broke Backpacker

Will Hatton, The Broke Backpacker, is living an extraordinary life of adventure and if you follow his Instagram, you too can be part of the fun. He is currently hitchhiking his way from Europe all the way across Asia, stopping off in lesser-visited destinations such as Pakistan, which he seems to have fallen in love with. This account is a must follow for any keen adventurers.

22. Heart My Backpack

I fell in love with Sylvia’s Instagram the first time I came across it. Her photos from her life in Norway are beautiful and would make even the biggest sun worshiper want to move to colder climates! I love she explored more than 70 countries around the world but in the end her heart led her to the snow-capped mountains of Norway. Be sure to check out her travel blog too.

23. Xpat Matt

Stoked to have received a NATJA Gold for Online Portraits for this pic (and been a finalist for best independent travel blog).

A photo posted by Matt Gibson (@xpatmatt) on

Matt Gibson, known online as Xpat Matt, is an award-winning adventure travel photographer and travel writer currently based in Asia.

24. Angela Kaja Ferro

Family outing with my favourite bunch of scallywags feat. #cabinporn

A photo posted by Angela Kaja Ferro (@angelakajaferro) on

Angela is a landscape photographer who has just spent the last few months travelling around New Zealand, photographing the country’s stunning mountains and dramatic landscapes. Her next stop is Switzerland so you can expect to see some stunning green mountains and high peaks one of the next few weeks. I absolutely love how she captures the atmosphere of the moment and can take incredible photos regardless of the weather!

25. Janet Newenham

Hula hooping at sunset. Another reason to love this island. <3

A photo posted by Janet Newenham (@janetnewenham) on

I could hardly write a post about top adventure travel photographers and not include myself…especially now that travel photography has become my biggest passion of late. While my photography really depends on my destination, from the emerald-green water of Koh Phi Phi Islands in Thailand to the tea plantations of Munnar in India, I am all about bringing as much colour as possible into the shot.

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