Photo: Aleksandar Todorovic/Shutterstock

Best of Belize

Belize Insider Guides
by Matthew Kepnes Jan 13, 2009
Belize may only be the size of Rhode Island, but it certainly has a lot to do.
The Blue Hole

One of the best diving sites in the world, this filled in water volcano is reputed to have some of the best diving in the world and is a must see for divers. Just make sure you stay oriented, because it’s easy to confuse down with up and risk getting trapped.


Photo: Adam Stocker/Shutterstock

This little village in the southern part of Belize offers some of the best beaches off the cayes. It’s quiet, relaxed, and cheap by Belize standards.


This Mayan site is the biggest in Belize. It contains many ancient temples and artifacts that offer a glimpse into Mayan life. Caracol was rival to the kingdom of Tikal during the height of the Mayan civilization.

Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave

This cave is a few hours outside of San Ignacio and getting there is an adventure. Crossing through jungles and rivers to access this remote cave, the persistent will be rewarded with a visit to an ancient Mayan sacrificial site.

You must swim into the cave mouth then walk through the cave, sometimes in chest deep water, before climbing up a rock face to see ancient pottery, sacrificial tools, and a few ancient skeletons.

Caye Caulker

This caye, located near Belize City, is where all the action happens. A hurricane whipped through the island a few years ago, creating a deep trench that is great for snorkeling.

Eat at Wish Willy’s, where he serves whatever he feels like that day and it’s always good.

Punta Gorda

This city in southern Belize is relaxed, and makes for a good place to explore the surrounding rainforests and reef.

Cockscomb Jaguar Preserve

Photo: Mark Green/Shutterstock

This nature preserve near Placencia houses some of the last remaining wild jaguars in Central America. You’ll probably never see them, but the park offers day and multi day hikes where you will see birds, small mammals, and interesting plants.


Photo: Tommy Daynjer/Shutterstock

This Mayan city to the north isn’t as impressive as Caracol, but to get there you have to take a long boat ride, providing up-close views of the local river system, mangroves, and wildlife.

Pine Mountain Ridge

South of San Ignacio, this nature preserve has the only pine trees in Belize. There’s great hiking and waterfalls in this area. Added bonus: It’s on the way to Caracol.


For a more detailed guide to Caye Caulker, check out Jenny Williams’ article, “Go Slow on Caye Caulker, Belize.”

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