This series, produced for Enjoy Illinois by Matador, in partnership with Rivian and Roku, follows three friends across Route 66 in a new R1S as they find the birthplace of the American road trip—updated for the EV era.

Watch it here, or view the series in its entirety on Roku.

All Episodes

EP 1: Illinois Recharged: EV Road Tripping Route 66

Hop in as we kick off this electrifying adventure and explore Chicago’s vibrant culture.


EP 2: Illinois Recharged: Route 66 in the EV Era

Route 66 is the birthplace of the American road trip. See how it has a new relevance in the EV era.


EP 3: Illinois Recharged: EV Journey on Route 66

Route 66 is the birthplace of the American road trip. Come see its new relevance in the EV era.

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