
21 Amazing Forgotten Curse Words We Need to Bring Back

by Matt Hershberger Aug 13, 2015

11. Cacafuego

This word, which means “braggart,” is Spanish in origin, literally translating as “shitfire.” It was the nickname of a ship captured by the Pirate Sir Francis Drake, who is presumably the braggart referenced by the word.

12. Thunderation!

A variant on “What in tarnation?” which itself was a lightening-up of the word “damnation,” “thunderation” was popular in the United States back in the 1830’s and 40’s. It’s time for it to come back.

13. Fopdoodle

A dumbass.

14. Fustilarian

A time-waster, and another invention of Shakespeare’s.

15. Scobberlotcher

One who never works hard.

16. Smellfungus

This word, invented by Tristram Shandy writer Laurence Sterne, was made to refer to a man he met who complained about all of the wonderful places he had traveled to. The word later went on to mean any sort of buzzkill, but I think it should come back for it’s original meaning: whiny travelers.

17. Mumblecrust

A medieval word referring to a toothless beggar from a medieval theater comedy.

18. Mosquito-buggerer

It’s Medieval, and it’s exactly what it sounds like.

19. Rakefire

One who overstays their welcome. The term itself comes from the person who stays late and keeps the fire going, even though their host wants them to leave.

20. Bejabbers!

An Irish word imported to America which was used as a substitute for “By Jesus!”

21. Muckspout

Finally: one who swears too much.

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