1. Don’t make comparisons.
Whether you travel often or only occasionally, it’s far too easy to compare your current situation to one from your past. The pebbly shore off the Promenade des Anglais in Nice instantly makes you long for the black-sand beaches you frolicked on in Santorini. The phad thai dish you order in Camden Market makes you realize how much better the noodles were in Phuket. You can’t help but notice that the cab driver who picks you up at six in the morning after a night of drinking in Berlin wasn’t nearly as friendly as the one who took you to the airport in Lisbon.
While reminiscing about fond memories is fun, the line between warm nostalgia and sudden, sharp dissatisfaction is blurry and easy to cross. Making comparisons yanks you out of the present moment and causes you to be instantly dissatisfied with what is right in front of you.
Don’t dwell on what once was — accept each situation as new and unique, exactly as it is presented to you.