"American Parties" Abroad Prove These Folks Have Never Been Stateside for the 4th of July

United States Humor Culture
by Alex Scola Jul 4, 2015

When it comes to celebrating America, it may seem obvious to anyone who’s been in the good ol’ US-of-A that there are certain core components to celebrating our great nation. Things like barbecues, fireworks, and our distinctly American beers will likely be found in every living room and backyard across the country during today’s festivities.

So what happens when folks in other countries decide to throw an American-themed party? The results are hilarious, and rather culturally revealing.



Based on these French “America parties”, America is all about guns, looking like Iggy Azaelia, dressing like a cowboy, our President Marge Simpson, and oodles of flannel.

#Party #birthday #Quentin #usa #brother #me #marge #sister #americanparty

A photo posted by Aurianne Sinacola (@auriannesinacolaoff) on


Frankly, I have never seen anyone wear anything half that patriotic *in America* on our nation’s own birthday.


House is being filled by these babies! #americanparty #photobooth #party #handmade #punchbowlcreative

A photo posted by Punchbowl Creative (@punchbowlcreative) on

It just wouldn’t be an American party without our ubiquitous slang… shazam, y’all!



Amsterdam nailed the burgers, but only half of those partygoers are using our “signature red cups” right.


Más fotitos de la American Party del sábado!!

A photo posted by Lady tartas (@ladytartas) on

Apparently “pop corns” are the most American thing to Spaniards.

Despedida de sandra a la americana!! #americanparty #popcorn #friends

A photo posted by Esther (@egn88) on


Beer pong, VIP wristbands, and “partying like a bitch.” #Murica?


#Americanparty #студклуб

A photo posted by Pavel Konev (@konevpavel) on

In the eyes of Russia, America must be the land of the military, Minions, and overpriced coffee.


A photo posted by Alexander Altman (@qewhouse) on


Che swag ahah #americanparty #NBA #Alcol #presuper #festamerda #musicamerda #presuper

A photo posted by Eddie Colamarino (@eddiecolamarino) on

Yes, America sure loves its sports… but I can count on one hand the number of people I know who actually own a jersey like that, let alone wear it to parties. “Che swag” indeed.


@barudf #americanparty #lente #gentebella #luckystrike #rumba #check

A photo posted by Ochenta Y Siete Studios (@ochentaysieteoficial) on

Venezuela reminds us of our long-forgotten A-for-America hand-sign. And no American party would be complete without the classic beer helmet.

Al mejor estilo americano #americanparty #rumba #luckystrike #fiesta #evento

A photo posted by Ochenta Y Siete Studios (@ochentaysieteoficial) on



Brazil reminds us that the “S” in USA probably stands for “swag.”





This party from Poland has it all: denim, plaid, red, white, blue, solo cups, and important pieces of our history (like the documentary they’re watching on the founding of our nation).


The best part about this flier for an American party in Romania is not the patriotic dress code, nor is it the Miller High Life, or even the tacos. It’s the knowledge that they believe that America consists of just the 270 miles between Las Vegas and L.A.

h/t: Buzzfeed

(feature: Instagram)

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