Twelve #Travel Tweeps Twittering

by Tom Gates Nov 13, 2009
It was Margaret Atwood who said, “Wanting to know an author because you like his work is like wanting to know a duck because you like paté.” This didn’t stop us. We have been wondering about the faces behind the Tweets and have wrangled together pictures of a dozen Tweeps from the travel world…more to come as this series kicks off.













Matador Tweeps

Follow the Matador Staff on Twitter! @rossborden, @LolaAkinmade, @dahveed_miller ,@tcpatterson, @ianmack, @livingholistic, @waywardlife, @collazoprojects, @vagab0nderz, @halamen, @joshywashington, @thefutureisred, @candicewalsh, @andrewghayes

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