How to ‪Blow Your Mind‬ for Free in Colorado

Colorado Galleries
by Katie Gavin May 11, 2015

IF YOU HAVE A DESIRE for privacy, isolation, and quiet solitude this spring, Colorado might be right up your alley. Offering something more precious than its famous rivers or fabled mountains, Colorado’s a state where you can find inner peace amid the most superb scenery you can imagine.

Here are 11 reasons why you should relax or get lost, at no cost, in Colorado.

1. Lost Creek Wilderness

Lars Leber

2. Marble

Romy Lee

3. Maroon Bells

Toby Harriman

4. Rocky Mountain National Park

Mike Berenson

5. Supercell near Julesburg

Valentina Abinanti

6. Colorado Fall

Sarah Marino

7. Chautauqua Park

James Pion

8. San Juan Mountains

Whit Richardson

9. Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

Rick Buchanan

10. Wildflowers in the American Basin

Parker Hill

11. Wintertime at the ranch

Michael Whittaker

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