AS IF we needed another reason to daydream about visiting Morocco, the latest film by Daniel Klein and Mirra Fine — aka, The Perennial Plate — certainly provides. The quick cuts, driving music, and colors suck me right in; I can almost smell the food through my laptop screen.

Although the film below turned out to be yet another winner in their collection, Daniel pointed out that it was “by far the most difficult place we’ve had to film…really challenging.” In an interview the couple did with The Splendid Table, Mirra expanded on this point:

    It was the first place where having a camera actually made it more difficult for us to be there. Normally when we go to each country, having a camera opens doors for us. We can go to different places, see behind the scenes…and people openly talk to us. In Morocco people were very turned off by the camera. Many people didn’t want their face filmed at all — we had to film only hands. Many people just didn’t want the camera at all, so when they saw us with the camera they turned away.

But perhaps this challenge is part of what makes the video so compelling, because it forces the filmmakers to be more creative and make the most of what they have: