1. An Indonesian isn’t called a “playboy” or a “womanizer,” he’s a “land crocodile.” (buaya darat)
2. Indonesians don’t “go to the toilet,” they either “throw a small water” or “throw a big water.” (buang air kecil or buang air besar)
3. There are no speed bumps in Indonesia, only “sleeping policemen.” (polisi tidur)
4. Indonesians don’t spend their time checking each other out, they go and “wash their eyes.” (cuci mata)
5. Indonesians don’t have “faculty” or “staff,” they have “fruit children” and “feet hands.” (anak buah and kaki tangan)
6. Indonesians don’t “throw tantrums,” they “run amok.”
The English phrase is derived from the Indonesian and Malay word “mengamuk.” The traditional belief is that “amok” was an evil tiger spirit that would posses a body and carry out horrific crimes.