I spent Saturday night doing something pretty cool: I walked on coals that were upwards of 1200 degrees.
Ok, I didn’t spend the whole night doing it; probably more like five seconds or so.
But the group I was a part of did a lot of amazing exercises to build up to it, like swinging around a fire stick, in order to prepare ourselves for the big finale.
Firewalking entails walking on an 8-10 feet bed of hot coals, which have been heating up underneath a fire for several hours.
One person takes a walk at a time (not a run like Pam did on The Office), ending the ritual by placing their feet in a bucket of cold water so as to soak them, and get rid of any pieces of coal that might have stuck between the toes.
Basically, it was an incredible experience. Here are the reasons why you should contemplate firewalking if you get the chance: