DONALD TRUMP’S ELECTION and subsequent filling of important posts have cast a dim light on what under a Clinton presidency promised to be a continuation of Barack Obama’s environmental efforts. In particular, Scott Pruitt’s appointment to head the Environmental Protection Agency when he has filed a lawsuit against said agency isn’t making me feel like he took Al Gore’s words to heart during their meeting the other week.
What all this means, on an actionable level, is that we as citizens must take matters into our own hands. Utilizing state and municipal governments along with eco-minded non-profits and other organizations working to put their green foot forward is how the United States can continue progressing under a non-progressive president.
If you follow daily news like I do, you’ve likely come to adopt a cynical eye over the past few weeks. But beneath all of the dross of depressing cabinet selections, some amazing things are happening. Check out these five spirit lifters: