Photo: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Armchair Travel: Embrace the Bizarre

by Lola (Akinmade) Åkerström May 22, 2009
Across the network this week, we’ve been bringing you entertaining articles that spotlight the offbeat nature of man – from the bizarre to the just plain fascinating.

Head over to Matador Trips to read about the Annual Mooning of Amtrak and other head-scratching traditions and competitions from around the world compiled by Ruth Stokes.

Why not swap your grilled chicken dinner for savory goat brain curry? Tom Gates shares this delectable recipe plus four others over at Matador Life.

Auctioning off one’s virginity is odd enough, but paying taxes on your earnings? The Romanian Government definitely wants in on the action as Christine Garvin discusses over at Brave New Traveler.

As a nation of extremes, if we aren’t supersizing cars and meals, we’re making mini-me versions of everything else. You never know when you’ll need that snack sized cigarette or white zinfandel harvati cheese. So head over to Matador Goods to grab your mini duct tape and other surprising travel sized items.

Still looking for love? If you’ve exhausted all your and options, why not hop aboard an Air New Zealand flight? As Kate Sedgwick points out over at Matador Nights, the airline will now offer matchmaking flights to “help single Americans find New Zealand dates with a themed flight headed toward a dual hemisphere singles party.” Ouch.

Looking for more bizarre stories? Check out these compilations.


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