My Favorite Books: Member’s Pick for Week 05/17/10

by Matador Creators May 17, 2010
In a series here on Goods, we will be spotlighting various Matador community members and providing links to their favorite books.

Matador Member – Earth Journeys

Photos by Alison Perry (Earth Journeys)

I live for those awe-inspiring moments that move the heart and take the breath away.

The delight in the eyes of a child having fun…

The wag in a dog’s tail that shows he/she is happy…

The breath-taking beauty of mountains, oceans, rivers, sunrises & sunsets, waterfalls, butterflies, people of all shapes and sizes and ethnicities.

I am interested in the diversity of this place we call Earth…In the differences in culture. I want to visit indigenous people and learn from them. I experience JOY when I have a camera in my hand, taking photos. I want to perfect my images so that someday perhaps others will be taken, moved, and inspired by the beauty my lens captures.

Be sure to check out Earth Journey’s Matador profile.

Favorite books: The Mists of Avalon, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, The People Series by W. Michael Gear, many more…


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