PrAna Monarch Convertible Pants for Women

by Michelle Schusterman Feb 1, 2011

The author. Not. (Photo courtesy of prAna.)

Michelle Schusterman tries out her new prAna pants at rock concerts and extreme happy hours.

I do not buy clothes online, nor do I enjoy shopping in retail stores. In short; I don’t buy clothes very often. My reasons are mostly 1) a lack of fashion sense and 2) the fact that my waist size fluctuates depending on my mood, what I ate for lunch the previous Thursday and whether or not Jupiter is in the third house.

I’ve always envied those that can order from a catalog, or grab something off the rack and hit the cash register, bypassing the line for the dressing rooms. So when my prAna pants arrived in the mail, I unwrapped the package with some trepidation. I’d checked them out on the website – convertible pants? Pants that zip off to become capris, which, along with an old t-shirt and my trusty Havaianas, make up the outfit I would wear every single day for the rest of my life if I could?

A two in one deal too good to be true, I figured. They won’t fit.

They fit.

They fit good. Even after a regrettable Thursday lunch of fish n chips washed down with two lattes. Even though I’m 5’10”, which I don’t consider freakishly tall yet seems to have doomed me to a closet full of flood pants.

I debuted my prAna pants at a rock concert. Hiking, biking, yoga – that’s all well and good, but if pants can survive a little moshing, a little swaying hip-to-hip with strangers clutching drinks, a little intoxicated trying-a-new-dance-move-in-this-giant-puddle-of-sweat-and-beer action, they’re good for any athletic activity in my book.

Bonus: They look cool. After the show I helped the band move equipment off the stage, and was handing off a mic stand when I got the old “dude, those pants are awesome!”

Due to my aforementioned lack of fashion sense, compliments on my clothes are a rare and welcomed thing. So I naturally did what I do when I find something that works; I started wearing these things all the time.

Like to happy hours. I train for Seattle happy hours the way some might train for a marathon – slow, steady persistence and dedication is key. I imagine that the convertible aspect of these pants would probably come in handy when trekking through a marshy area. But I can guarantee that they do when your pant cuffs end up drinking more stout than you. Just hop off the bar stool and whip those legs off.

I mean, capris with argyle knee-highs are fashionable, right?

More prAna Gear Reviews

Check out BETA Editor-in-chief David Page field-testing the prAna Tanner LS Shirt for Men.

MatadorTV’s Joshywashington goes horseback riding and more in prAna Stretch Zion Pants for Men in Argentina.

Community Connection

Want to win some prAna pants? How about $500 worth of prAna gear? Check out the prAna and BETA “Get Some” Sweepstakes for your chance to win!

prAna and BETA

prAna (which is an ancient Sanskrit word for breath, life and vitality of the spirit) started 17 years ago making clothing for climbing, yoga, and other passions.

From award-winning Matador Network, BETA Magazine is the essential new print magazine for the modern world-savvy explorer

Both companies are inspired by athletes like climber Chris Sharma.

Prize Eligibility – Only persons who are at least 18 years of age can enter.

Sweepstakes Starts
– January 21, 2011 @ 12:00 am (PST)

Sweepstakes Ends
– February 21, 2011 @ 06:00 pm (PST)

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