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13 Reasons You Should Never Take Your Kids to Cape Town

South Africa Cape Town
by Liz Totton Apr 30, 2016

1. Dropping into new cities can be frightening for kids, especially on the wings of a para-glider. Kids should explore the world with feet on the ground, not with heads in the clouds.


Photo: Pelecky family 2016 with Cape Town Tandem Paragliding.

2. What? Penguins in Africa?! African Penguins are one species that have adapted to warmer climates, but are beach trips really meant to be educational?

Kid and penguins

Photo by author

3. The World of Birds’ Monkey Jungle’s 38 resident squirrel monkeys will resort to any means to get your attention; even if it interrupts a prized selfie with a monkey. Yes, parents, these monkeys have skills parting teens from their technology.

Kid with Monkey

Photo by author

4. What sort of kid likes to roam free for miles in wild flowers?

5. Elephants are curious, and kids are curious, and nothing good can happen when two curious minds meet.

Kid with elephant

Photo: Pelecky family 2016.

6. Kids hate rides. Especially if it takes them to the top of one of the new seven natural wonders. Everyone knows that.

Gondola ride South Africa

Photo by Sharon Miller

7. Your children will not willingly remain indoors on any given trip to Cape Town. All that fresh air may be detrimental to returning back to indoor life.

Girls SUPing South Africa

Photo by author

8. Learning to surf in Cape Town provides a quick lesson in not dropping into anyone’s small wave…like ever.

Surfing in South Africa

Photo by author

9. In Cape Town, you’ll have the beach mostly to yourself. Bo-ring!

Girl on the beach

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10. What child likes board games in the fresh air?

Kids playing giant chess

Photo by author

11. No kid likes to get ice cream when it’s delivered by bike on the beach in Cape Town.

Ice cream by the beach

Photo by author

12. While acting touristy is generally frowned upon, in Cape Town, it’s encouraged! But you may not want your family’s silly antics captured in cheesy photos.

Cheesy sign shot

Photo by author

13. Family photos will be far too dramatic — even on the rainiest days — with Table Mountain as a backdrop. And who needs more drama in their lives?

Family photo Table Moutain

Photo by author

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