14 Fantastic Pregnancy Myths From Around the World

by Kate Siobhan Mulligan Jan 12, 2016

1. Mexico: Pregnant women should not be exposed to moonlight, and should wear a metal key around their neck.

Magic moment by Marco Tibolla on 500px.com

2. Meanwhile in India: During eclipses, women shouldn’t touch anything metal at all, not even door handles.

Maternity beauty by Geraldine Shandilya on 500px.com

3. China: Cold stuff is a no-go.

Pregnant Caucasian mother holding cup of tea in kitchen by Gable Denims on 500px.com

4. Vietnamese/Chinese: No lamb, and no tiny bananas. And prepare to stay put for a long time.

Waiting in Hope by Binh Le  on 500px.com

5. Mexico: Give into everything you crave or pay the price.

Cravings by Denis Girard on 500px.com

6. Meanwhile with an Arab background: Do not give into cravings or the baby will get a birthmark shaped like it. Also, no looking at rabbits.

Hungry by Stefan Pasch on 500px.com

7. Meanwhile in Egypt: Give into all cravings or else the baby will have a handicap. PS: Coca-Cola will give the baby weak bones.

Gourmandise by Frédéric BERTHET on 500px.com

8. Mexican-American: No funerals.

Pregnant Leticia by Marco Túlio on 500px.com

9. Korea: Hang chilis to ward off evil spirits, no cold water, and no baby-breath stealing cats.

The pregnancy surprise. by Jose Carrillo on 500px.com

10. Native-American: No hair cuts.


11. Kazakhstan: Also no hair cuts, along with no fish.

... by Krzysztof Serafiński on 500px.com

12. Taiwan: No touching pregnant women on the shoulder.

Untitled by Ganna Bird on 500px.com

13. Philippines: Do not raise the roof — ever. The baby will get tangled.

Beautiful pregnant woman and balloons by Jari Hindström on 500px.com

14. In Hawaii, USA: Pregnant women shouldn’t wear loops around their necks.

Glow by Sarah McIlroy on 500px.com

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