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The 26 Funniest Southern Expressions (and How to Use Them)

United States Languages
by Shannon Dell Mar 16, 2015

1. Southerners don’t claim “territory”…they claim “stompin’ grounds.”

2. Southerners don’t say “you guys”…they say “y’all.” (And “all y’all” for five or more people.)

3. Southerners don’t say “cater-cornered”…they say “caddywonked.”

4. Things in the South aren’t “broken”…they’re “tore slap up.”

5. Southerners don’t say “oh, wow”…they say “good lord!”

6. Southerners don’t say “I’m sorry”…they say “bless your heart.”

7. Southerners don’t get treated “unfairly”…they “get the short end of the stick.”

8. Southerners don’t change channels with a “remote”…they use the “clicker.”

9. Remote Southerners aren’t “anxious”…they’re “like a cat on a hot-tin roof.”

10. Southerners don’t “take themselves too seriously”…they’re just “too big for their britches.”

11. Southerners won’t tell you that “you’re wasting your time”…they’ll tell you that “you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

12. Southerners don’t hand you a Coca-Cola when you ask for a Coke…they say “What kind?”

13. Southerners aren’t “about to do” something…they’re “fixin’ to.”

14. Southerners don’t use the “toilet”…they use the “commode.”

15. Southerners don’t “suppose”…they “reckon.”

16. Southerners don’t use a “purse”…they carry a “pocketbook.”

17. Southerners don’t push a “shopping cart”…they put their groceries in a “buggy.”

18. Southerners aren’t “broke”…they’re “so broke they can’t afford to pay attention.”

19. Southerners don’t call people “unintelligent”…they say “dumber than a sack of rocks.”

20. Southerners don’t check for food in the “fridge”…they look in the “frigidaire.”

21. Southerners don’t eat “dinner”…they eat “supper.”

22. Southerners aren’t “caught off guard”…they’re “caught with their pants down.”

23. Southerners don’t “pout”…they “have their feathers ruffled.”

24. Two Southerners aren’t friends because they “get along”…they get along because they’re “two peas in a pod.”

25. Southerners don’t go “batshit crazy”…they “fly off the handle.”

26. Southerners don’t tell people to go “fuck themselves”…they politely suggest to “stick it where the sun don’t shine.”

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